How to Install a New Theme in WordPress
You can install a new WordPress theme without having any technical knowledge. It"s so easy and automated.
1. Login to your WordPress admin dashboard.
2. Under the dashboard menu, hover your mouse on "Appearance" and then click on "Themes".

3. Click on "Add New".

4. In Add themes page, you can search for a theme or browse the themes from "Featured", "Popular", "Latest" options. If you hover your mouse over any themes, you will be presented with two options - "Activate" and "Live Preview".
5. Hover your mouse on any theme you like and then click on "Install".

6. A newly installed theme will show you the "Activate" option. Click it!

Congratulations, you have installed and activated a new theme on your blog.
How to remove sample comments, posts on a new WordPress blog
If you installed a fresh WordPress blog system on your website ,before writing new posts, you will need to remove the sample comments, blog posts, etc. This can be done in the following way:
1. Login to your WordPress admin dashboard.
2. Under Dashboard Menu, hover your mouse on Posts and click on "All Posts".

3. Hover your mouse on the "Hello World" post and the "Trash" option will appear. Click it to remove the post.

4. Now do the same with the sample page by pointing your mouse on "Page" in the Dashboard menu and then choosing on "All Pages".

5. Choose "Comments" from the dashboard and then the "Trash" option will appear. Now click it.

After you take these steps, your blog will be clean, without sample posts and comments, and you can start blogging.
How to access the Wordpress admin account
WordPress is a CMS software with an easy to access admin account and a simple to manage blog system. In order to access your WordPress account, you need to follow these instructions:
1. Open (Replace "" with your domain name) in your browser.
2. Enter your wordpress username and password in the login fields an click on "Login".

3. Wordpress will redirect you to the WordPress Admin Dashboard.
What is Softaculous
Softaculous is an Auto-Installer that allow automated installation of a script through a single click. Softaculous maintains 343+ popular scripts and also allows you to automatically upgrade the web application without any hassle.
You can Install WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, MyBB Forum, SMF, Mambo and many other scripts via the Softaculous Auto-Script Installer.
You can automatically install scripts, take a backup of script, restore a backup, uninstall software, etc. with a single click or even use the automatic backup creation feature.
How to Setup a Email account with Mozilla Thunderbird
Thunderbird is a nice email client software for managing your email. You can setup a cPanel email account with Mozilla Thunderbird and receive/send email.
1. Open Mozilla Thunderbird.

2. Click on the Menu Icon located on right side of the screen and then go to "New Message". A drop box will open.

3. Now Click on the "Existing Mail Account".

4. In Mail Setup Account, fill out your name, full email address like "", and the password of your email account. Then click on "Continue".

5. It can take a few minutes to configure your email account so be patient. Once it is done, you will need to click on "Done".

6. If it shows a SSL Security exception, then click on the "Confirm Security Exception" button and the warning will disappear within few minutes.

Congratulations, Your email is setup up successfully. Now, you can manage your email through Mozilla Thunderbird.
How to update DNS Nameserver on Godaddy
After purchasing our hosting account, you will receive a Welcome email from us which contains our "name server" and you need to update your domain name server to our "name server". If your domain is registered on Godaddy, you should follow this tutorial to update the NameServer of your Domain to our NameServer.1. Open the website and click on "Sign In". It will show you a login form.2. Enter the username and password of your Godaddy account and then click the "login" button.
3. After a successful login, click on the + (plus) icon next to Domains in the "Products" tab.
4. Click on "Launch" next to the domain you wish to manage.
5. In Settings tab, Click on the "Manage" link under "Nameservers".
6. In "Nameservers Settings", select "Custom" and then click on the "Edit Nameservers" Link.
7. Enter your Nameserver in field 1 and field 2 and then click on the "OK" Button.
8. Now click on the "Save" button.
Note: It may take anywhere from 12 to 24 hours for the changes to take effect worldwide.
How to update DNS Nameserver of
After purchasing our hosting account, you will receive a Welcome email from us which contains our "name server" and you need to update your domain name server to our "name server". If your domain is registered on, you should follow this tutorial to update the NameServer of your Domain to our NameServer.1. Open the website and click on "Sign in". It will show you a login form.2. After a successful login, click on the "Domain List" option.3. Under domain list, You can see list of your domains. In front of your domain click on dropdown menu and select "Manage".
4. Scroll down to the "Nameservers" option and select "Custom DNS" from the dropdown menu.
5. Enter your nameserver in nameserver field and then click on the Save.
Note: It may take anywhere from 12 to 24 hours for the changes to take effect worldwide.